Beautiful people!
Thanks for taking the time to check us out online, And thanks for swinging over to my side while you’re at it! I hope the experience has been worth it so far. I’ve been a Music head for as long as I can remember. By that, I don’t necessarily mean listening to a bunch of music so much as I do making it. I can remember being four years old, not able to play any sort of imaginary game without giving myself the theme music… Yeah, I said it, theme music! Every scene, every setting, every character, every action-packed adventure had to come with some sort of soundtrack. Be it beatboxing or humming custom melodies, I was there for it! Like many things to this day, that remains a part of who I am, but now, instead of just providing myself and my wife with the soundtrack of our life, we get to come together to hopefully provide you with a soundtrack for yours. I hope you find warmth, compassion and a home like you’ve never had as we experience and express Devoted Things together.
Big love, A